Sunday, September 13, 2009

Got Blog?

(Vintage glasses, Generra leather jacket, Banana Republic cashmere scarf, gifted ring)

So, there use to be a time when all I wanted to do was look like my favorite celebrity. Then I decide my favorite celebrity was lame, and sometimes made such unoriginal choices. So onto U.S. fashion mags I went. I read them, I tore out pics, I studied them…. I tired of them. I started looking at European magazines. Much better… but when am I going to wear a $16,000 jacket… well, hopefully one day ;) but you know what I mean…. Then came along Rumi and fashion toast. My first ever fashion blog I ever came across. I became obsessed, which is probably an understatement. I started obsessing over the Sartorialist, then Karla, then Suzy, then Jak and Jil, then Garance, then…. Etc., etc., etc. And now here I am and I check at least 6 to 10 to 20 blogs a day! Hi, my name is Eunice and I’m a blogaholic. Street style—it’s where fashion inspiration is at…. And the best part is that you don’t even have to want to wear something similar. You can just appreciate someone’s creativity in expressing themselves. Inspiring to say the least! And entertaining beyond belief! So here I am now, a few years into it and I figure I should attempt my own blog… if not at least to make my friends happy that I finally started one.


  1. About time!!!!!! Welcome :) You know I will be a loyal follower.

  2. AHHH, so happy now!! Get em girl!!
    ps~sometimes I pretend like I own the jacket you are wearing. duh.

  3. Thanks ladies!! Ahh, my MJ jacket. It's a favorite!
