Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?


(Aqua dress, Juicy Couture denim motorcycle vest, Jessica Simpson gladiator sandals, Rebecca Minkoff bag)


These are from a Vienna trip with the fam a few months back. I remember as a kid I was pretty Meh about Vienna. It was fun, but more so in an Epcot center kinda way. Explorable? Yes. Educational... super yes! And rigid! I remember getting yelled at an ice cream place for sitting down because I didn't know you had to pay a fee. For the love. Ha!

But now, wow. My opinions have changed. Vienna is so regal. So beautiful. How cute is that little cafe. I could sit there with a tea and some magazines all day! The stores were filled with such great pieces and everyone from young to old was dressed well. Especially the old people. Adorable! And everywhere you turn, the scenery is fairytale-like.


  1. you make vienna sound like a dream!

    that cafe is adorable!

    love that bag. i need a grey/charcoal one in my life.

  2. Lurv your vest with the hawt! Plus, can't wait to see your new bday prezzie!! so jealous!
